Asirra in XQuery

Previously I wrote an XQuery Module for handling reCaptcha Captchas, as I wanted to protect my personal blog from being spammed.

Unfortunately in the long term reCaptcha did not really work out, as the Spammers were still posting to the comments section of my blog. Its a shame really as I agree with reCaptcha's efforts of digitising books.

I have read several articles about reCaptcha Captchas being cracked, so I decided to try and find a more robot proof approach. After a little Googling, I found Asirra.

Asirra, is another Captcha system, but rather than asking you to compute a sum or enter the words that appear in a deformed image, they instead show you 12 pictures, some of Cats and some of Dogs. You have to correctly select all the Cats. This seems to me like a harder problem to solve with a robot, and so I decided to replace my reCaptcha with Asirra.

I wrote a small reusable XQuery module (downloadable from here), which makes use of the EXPath HttpClient functions, so whilst this will work on eXist-db, it should also be useable on any XQuery processor that supports EXPath.

Example (X)HTML Page (example.html)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Asirra Example</title> </head> <body> <form action="example.xql" method="post" id="commentform" onsubmit="return MySubmitForm();"> <!-- start Client API Asirra code --> <div id="asirra_auth"> <a id="asirra_logo" href=""> <img src=""/> </a> <script type="text/javascript" src=""/> <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ // You can control where the big version of the photos appear by // changing this to top, bottom, left, or right asirraState.SetEnlargedPosition("top"); // You can control the aspect ratio of the box by changing this constant asirraState.SetCellsPerRow(6); ]]> <script> <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ var passThroughFormSubmit = false; function MySubmitForm() { if(passThroughFormSubmit) { return true; } // Do site-specific form validation here, then... Asirra_CheckIfHuman(HumanCheckComplete); return false; } function HumanCheckComplete(isHuman) { if(!isHuman) { alert("Please correctly identify the cats."); } else { passThroughFormSubmit = true; formElt = document.getElementById("commentform"); formElt.submit(); } } ]]> </script> </div> <!-- end Client API Asirra code --> <input type="submit"/> </form> </body> </html>

Example XQuery handler (example.xql)

xquery version "1.0"; import module namespace request = ""; import module namespace asirra = "" at "xmldb:exist:///db/asirra.xqm"; asirra:validate-ticket(request:get-parameter("Asirra_Ticket",()))

Asirra XQuery Module (asirra.xqm)

xquery version "1.0"; (:~ : XQuery Module implementation for the Asirra API - : : @author Adam Retter <> : @date 2011-06-24T21:26:00+02:00 :) module namespace asirra = ""; import module namespace http = ""; declare variable $asirra:HTTP-OK := 200; declare variable $asirra:validation-endpoint := ";ticket="; (:~ : Validate an Asirra Ticket : : @param $asirra-ticket The Asirra ticket to validate : : @return true() or false() indicating whether the ticket was valid :) declare function asirra:validate-ticket($asirra-ticket as xs:string) as xs:boolean { let $url := fn:concat($asirra:validation-endpoint, $asirra-ticket) return let $http-result := http:send-request(<http:request href="{$url}" method="get"/>) return if(xs:integer($http-result/http:response/@status) eq $asirra:HTTP-OK)then let $asirra-result := $http-result[2] return $asirra-result/AsirraValidation/Result eq "Pass" else false() };